
Flower Hill Institute Announces Webinars on New USDA Grants

The Flower Hill Institute is organizing two webinars that will offer more information about the new grant programs recently announced by the USDA.
Save the dates! The Flower Hill Institute is organizing two webinars that will offer more information about the new grant programs recently announced by the USDA.

The Local Meat Capacity Grant (Local MCap) Applicant Webinar takes place on May 8, 2023, at 12PM Mountain (1PM Central, 2PM Eastern). This webinar will discuss the eligibility and application requirements for interested applicants.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) also announced up to $75 million in new funding for Local Meat Capacity Grants (Local MCap). This program supports independently owned meat and poultry processing businesses with funds to provide more and better processing options for local livestock producers by modernizing, increasing, diversifying and decentralizing meat and poultry processing capacity, including support for rendering.

Processing Expansion Projects will fund grants from $100,000 up to $5,000,000 to increase the processing and/or rendering capacity of privately, cooperatively, non-profit, or Tribally held processing facilities as described in this RFA.

Simplified Equipment-Only Projects offer a simplified application to fund smaller grants between $10,000 and $250,000 for equipment purchases for meat and poultry processors.

Click here to register for this webinar.
The Indigenous Animals Harvesting and Meat Processing Grant (IAG) Program Webinar takes place on May 11, 2023, at 12PM Mountain (1PM Central, 2PM Eastern). This webinar will discuss the eligibility and application requirements for interested applicants.

Grant funding for the Indigenous Animals Harvesting and Meat Processing Grant Program (IAG) is designed to support the priorities of Tribal Nations in meeting the needs of traditional harvesting methods and indigenous animals. This project intends to fund projects which invest in Tribal Nations' supply chain resiliency, indigenous animals, restoring local indigenous food systems, and indigenous processing methods, and expanding local capacity for the harvesting, processing, manufacturing, storing, transporting, wholesaling, or distribution (communal or commercial) of meat, poultry, seafood, and other animals that provide culturally appropriate food and food security to tribal communities.

Click here to register for this webinar.

