- Office of Food Safety/FSIS Officials’ Calendar of Meetings – This public calendar is issued by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and lists meetings held by the Under Secretary and Deputy Under Secretary, Office of Food Safety (OFS), and the Administrator and Deputy Administrator for FSIS with persons outside the Federal Government.
Retail Exemption– The following links contain information associated with retail exempt operations.
- FSIS FAQ’s on Custom/Retail Exemption
- Retail Exemptions Adjusted Dollar Limitations
- 9 CFR 303.1 – Exemption
- Custom Exempt
- Code of Federal Regulations Title 9: Animal and Animal Products Parts 1:599
- FSIS Compliance Guide Index – Use the Compliance Guides Index as a resource in maintaining compliance with FSIS policies.
- AskFSIS – submit a question for an official policy answer.
- FSIS Nutrition Labeling Information
- FSIS Compliance Assitance - Labeling Guidance
- Label Application Guidance (PDF)
- Food Standards & Labeling Policy Book (2005)
- Generic Labeling - Provides information on labeling materials that quality for generic label approvals
- Labeling Approval - 9 CFR 317.4
- Generically Approved Labeling - 9 CFR 317.5
- Labels: Definition: Required Features - 9 CRF 317.2
You can help AAMP and your own business by contacting members of Congress about legislation or regulations affecting the meat industry. In order to get in touch with your members of Congress, go to the website listed below and enter your zip code. Your two U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative will be posted, with easy ways to contact them, including e-mail, phone, and regular mail. You may also call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your Senators’ and/or Representatives’ office.
Both the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) offer resources to assist producers in contacting their members of Congress. Use these sites to contact Congress regarding current issues of importance for agriculture.
To address an issue that are unique to your state, you can help your own business by contacting members of your state legislature. Keep them informed of legislation or regulations affecting you, your business, and the meat industry.